Week 4

We have finished the initial implementation of the bluetooth handshake and have asked for Coalition to review it. We have also started to test the implementation ourselves, but we cannont proceed because of a few problems trying to get devices to connect to each other. We have also asked Coalition if they can provide any insight on this problem. We also met with the graduate student who is building the PSI libraries that we will use to determine who an infected user has come in conatact with. During this meeting we went over how to use the library modules.

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Week 3

Glady and I have begun implementing the Handshake part of the protocol and plan to implement the PSI step afterwards. On most days, the two of us meet sometime in the morning to discuss each other’s progress and make any necessary changes. We then meet with Prof. Buy in the evening for a final code review. This incremental process of development has helped me learn how to code as a part of a team, rather than as an individual. I think this process of development works really well.

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Week 2

Prof. Buy, Glady, and I met in order to walk through to code to further develop our understanding. I was tasked with identifiy and add comments the files that we would need to cahnge in order to implement the protocol. At the end of the week we all met with Prof. Parthasarathy to discuss a refinemnt to the protocol along with a more definitive explanation of the protocol we currently have.

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Week 1

During this first week, we held multiple meetings with Coalition to gain more insight about how their code works. In the meetings, a developer would give us a high level of what each of the classes did and show us the slow of the app. At this time, we do not have access to the full app so we are unable to begin impelenting our protocol. I am working with Professor Ugo Buy and his gradute student Glady Thomas to implement the protocol.

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